2018 – New year, New you?

Image result for new years

Each time the new year comes around it seems to force upon us the need for ‘change’. With the social convention of ‘New years resolutions’ it is almost blasphemous to not publicly convey to others what you intend to do differently – “I’ll quit smoking for good this time“, “I’ll join a gym and workout 3 evenings after work!” blah, blah, blah. This sense of conformity sits uncomfortably with myself. I’m a firm believer in changing for your own sake, or setting goals based on your ambitions. Not because the year is now going to be different so we enter panic mode.

365 days in a year. 365 opportunities for us to internally reflect and make the best of our decisions. Perhaps we should utilise those days more.

Question…How many people set themselves daily goals to achieve?

If so, are these small but significant things such as smiling to passersby on your commute, or giving your spare change to a charity collection?

Perhaps you set yourself daily goals relating to your career or hobbies, like reading a chapter of that new book or writing a page of that secret novel you’ve been working on?

Some people do this as part of their daily routine, until it becomes a natural habit. But they do so of their own accord. Some say this is a key part to having a successful life!

The point being is that we do not require a new year and a made up social convention to remind us to better ourselves. Well, perhaps some do need a reminder – who knows!!

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that it is quite depressing that we seem to hold ‘New Years Resolutions’ more responsible for invoking changes than we do in ourselves. That’s not to say it isn’t a positive action if you do set and stick to a resolution – good for you – but why wait for New Years?

I’ll leave you to ponder that thought…